Conference opening the implementation of the project of the thermomodernisation of Regional Hospital
On June 30, 2015 at 10:00 a conference was held which concerned the implementation of the project entitle “Improving energy efficiency in buildings of Regional Hospital in Kołobrzeg”. The project is financed from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area for years 2009-2014, under the program PL04 “Saving energy and promoting renewable energy sources”.
The conference was opened by the hospital director Jerzy Piwowarczyk. After welcoming the guests and presenting the subject of the meeting, the sightseeing of the Regional Hospital in Kolobrzeg begun. The invited guests visited the complex of specialist clinics, hospital wards as well as the external condition of buildings. Another part of the conference took place in the training/meeting room in Dźwirzyno. Educational lectures . were held there on the following topics:
- Presentation of the project entitled “Improving the energy efficiency of buildings of Regional Hospital in Kołobrzeg” its objectives, indicators and achievements.
- Is it better to save energy or produce? Raising public awareness about the need to save energy.
- Presentation of the methodology for the settlement of environmental and economic costs of buildings.
The conference was concluded with a discussion panel, during which the participants discussed various issues, asked questions and exchanged knowledge and shared experience