Final conference closing the project of thermal modernization of Regional Hospital

On 18 November 2016 a conference took place closing the project entitled. “Improving energy efficiency of buildings Regional Hospital in Kolobrzeg” which has been implemented since October 2014. The project was completed thanks to the financing granted from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) (European Economic Area – EU + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) implemented under the Programme PL04 “Saving energy and promoting renewable energy sources.” The operator of the programme was the Ministry of Environment, which is represented by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (the National Fund).
Among the numerous guests the completion of the thermal modernization of the Regional Hospital in Kolobrzeg was assessed by a Board Member of the Marshal’s Office – Anna Mieczkowska, who stressed that this was the largest project carried out by the hospital independently. Tomasz Szymanski, the director of the hospital, presented workflow including thermal modernization, preliminary calculation of the savings that could be recorded in the summer season and also pointed to a further development plans for the hospital including the need to repair laboratories, diagnostic laboratory and sterilization.
The participants of the conference included specialists in the field of energy efficiency and energy generation from renewable sources, who shared their knowledge in the conduct of lectures (“Innovative technologies and good practices in the field of energy efficiency of public buildings,” by Anna Gayer, “Clusters public entities for environmental protection, by Marcin Strzelczyk, “Presentation of low-carbon programs” by Teodor Tkachuk, Tadeusz Zurek, PhD, Baltic Centre for Energy Efficiency in Kolobrzeg).
The scope of the work performed according to the project:
- thermo-modernization of the building envelopes , including polystyrene foam, mineral wool and mineral wool granulate, (external walls, jambs, flat roofs, roofs, attic walls, the walls in the ground) with a total area of 19.486,22 m2;
modernization / replacement of the door woodwork – – 9 pcs. of the total area of 36,42 m2;
modernization / replacement of windows – 68 pc. of the total area of 248.65 m2;
installation of flat solar collectors – 200 pcs., with a total area of 426 m2 and the active power of 0.348 MW;
installation of aerators – 913 pcs.;
modernization of the district heating substation for the allocation of the heat – 1 pc with a capacity of 1,273 MW;
installation of energy management in the buildings – 1 pc.;
replacing the auxiliary power devices with energy-efficient ones – 6 pcs., with a total power of 4.29 kW – including replacement of the pumps with continuous regulation;
replacement the built-in lighting with energy efficient one – 3.267 pcs., with a total power of 164.26 kW – LED lamps, some with motion sensors;
modernization of internal systems – central heating (C.O.) – includes replacement of 720 pieces of radiators and thermo-valves;
modernization of internal systems – hot water (hot tap water) – replacing 1,146 valves and 3,960 M. B. installation; installation of aerators – 913 pcs.;
total cost of the project was 12,067,524.51 including eligible costs 10,325,052.58 (85.6% of the total costs). The subsidy granted was 8,260,042.06 (80% of eligible costs and 68.4% of total costs).
The contribution of the Hospital was 3,807,482.45 (including loan WFOŚiGW in Szczecin 2,800,000.00 and 1,007,482.45 of own funds – 8.3% of total costs).
The project also included project management, wykonanie making ? documentation, Investor’s Supervision over the investment as well as information activities and promotion [the execution wykonanie of the project website; organisation of the conferences and seminars; production of the promotional materials – leaflets, brochures, posters, roll-ups, gadgets (lanyards, mugs, coasters, notebooks, folders), information boards and plaques, labels to mark equipment)].